550111_ca. 3 mm x ca. 0,75 mmx6.000m_Nasenbügeldraht - zweiadrig
Nasenbügeldraht - zweiadrig, ca. 3 mm x ca. 0,75 mm
x ca. 6.000 m
Nosewire - double wire appox. 3 mm x ca. 0,75 mm x ca. 6.000 m
cross-wounded spools
less roll changes
light weighted
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Nosewire is made with a special plastic coating that offers an extensive corrosion resistance. The soft feel prevent sharp edges and provide an optimal feeling of comfort. The 0.75 mm thick wire is wrapped around with plastics to a thickness of 3.0 mm. Suitable for the most full-automatically production lines for masks. Easy to unwind and with 6.000 m per spool for at least up to 40.000 - 100.000 masks.
Mainly used in the industrial, fully automated production for 3ply masks.
Product quality
Our nosewire - doublewire is cross wounded with 6.000 m per spool. For easy use and to avoid that the material telescopes, both edges are secured with stabile plastic flunshes.